Development of Korean Language Education in Western Australian Schools
Development of Korean Language Education in Western Australian Schools
Korean language will be introduced as an ATAR subject in the WA school curriculum from 2023 onwards. The key aim of this project is to support the development and expansion of primary and secondary school Korean language education in Western Australia. In addition to supporting the teaching of Korean to new cohorts of students in WA through assisting schools to gain external support and coordinating with qualified teachers of Korean, the project team will conduct interviews and policy research with key stakeholders in the state to scope out the key barriers and support needs for successful Korean language education programs.
Recognising the current shortage of Korean language learning opportunities in WA schools, the project will also provide free Korean language education and learning support through Curtin University’s Rising Scholars program to high school students who wish to study Korean but have no such option available in their own school. The Curtin University Rising Scholars Programme (RSP) will be launched in 2023 to replace the existing Innovative Schools Scholars’ Programme (ISSP). The programme offers high achieving students first-hand experience of learning at Curtin University while still in school, allowing students to earn university credits. Students engage with staff and students on-campus, in blended learning, or online units. Subject to satisfactory completion of the program, select year10, 11 and 12 students have the opportunity to engage in tertiary learning of Korean, while gaining Credit for Recognised Learning (CRL) toward their future University degree after high school.
In addition to the Rising Scholars program, we run 1 semester long free after-school language classes for high school students . These classes run on Monday afternoons 4pm-5.15pm on Curtin campus, and focus on developing practical and interactive communication skills in relaxed and fun setting. This course is open for any Y10-12 students in WA, and the completion certificate can be used for portfolio entry to University. See more details here about Semester 1 program. Semester 2 details will be available shortly.
If you are interested in joining our classes or introducing Korean in your school, please contact the project lead Associate Professor Jo Elfving-Hwang (
Project team:
Associate Professor Jo Elfving-Hwang (project director); Younghye Seo Whitney (co-investigator); Prof Umberto Ansaldo (co-investigator); Korean language education lead (Ms Dasul Kim); Project Assistant (Sophia Ammali).
This project has been funded by the Australia-Korea Foundation grant number AKF00863.
See announcement of the grant here: Grants announced to strengthen North Asia relations | Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs (